Thursday, September 21, 2006

Okay, we've all seen them --People who wear hats askew; this site is dedicated to those laughable ignorants, we call douche bags. FixYourHatDouchebag is dedicated to outing people who wear their hats off-center as the douche bags they are.

If you see a douche bag take thier picture and upload it to this blog. If you know that douche’s name and want them to be aware they are indeed a douche bag, feel free to post that too. If the offending douche is not wearing a hat, the picture will be removed --So post with a cap on that douche bag!

How to spot a douche bag. College campuses seem to be a Mecca for douchebags! Look around, if the ball cap is set two sizes too small, resting on the crown of their head and is pointing between 1 and 3 o’clock, then YOU HAVE INDEED SPOTTED A DOUCHEBAG!

Douche bags usually have a weathered cap, always askew, probably have a shirt with the color up, pooka-shell necklace and drive a rice-burning car with an oversized tail pipe and whale fin on the back. This mode of transportation, is known as the douche wagon, or douche mobile.


At 9/21/2006 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya car man, straight ballin' in that whip.

At 9/22/2006 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I so happy dat you have dis site. I am confuzed by sideways hat. Here in San Frandisco, we wear ball crap dat way so others know we gay. In my culture you can not say you gay. So me wear hat dat way to say, "me like rough, dry boy sex in skunk, stink ho.

Dat means all you funny hats gay, like me?


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